Hydrogen Technologies are a socially responsible engineering solutions company addressing significant issues based around health and dis-ease prevention on a global scale regardless of species, gender, genetic disposition, DNA, the colour of the flower, or the taste of the fruit.
We believe that recognising the roles and significance that gases like hydrogen and oxygen play in the metabolism of an aerobic organism, is one of the greatest biological breakthroughs in history thus far. By assisting where there is shortfall, we not only want to make a natural supplement available to all industries that need it, but to also keep it as simple, safe and as pure as possible.

Oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are all readily available in our environment, however hydrogen is normally made by natural processes either in the gut for many species or in the soil for others.
Allowing or assisting an organism access to ingest the hydrogen it needs (that it otherwise could not source or produce itself), represents the single biggest benefit possible to enable balance within that organism and assist in the avoidance of oxidation, stress, and disease.
This beneficial intervention is now being referred to as having a proven ability to ameliorate the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation in aerobic biological systems. These discoveries have massive implications across a huge range of industries, environments and societies including water management, horticulture, agriculture, aquaculture, animal welfare, breeding sciences, food management and our entire ecosystem as we know it.
Put the right ingredients in then you can expect to get the right result.
If you change the recipe, then expect something different.
It is beyond question that the four biggest pieces to the puzzle of life are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. Get it right and fine tuning becomes possible, but ignore it, and you may find yourself in a never-ending spiral combating stresses, dis-eases and oxidation, regardless of what species you are addressing.
Each and every atom throughout each and every organism is connected to another atom, or combination of atoms, to form molecules. Some are stable and some are reactive but together they form all things and are used and consumed continuously. The processes of life are all part of a dance that nature took hundreds of millions of years to develop. If we want to be part of this dance, then we need to learn the steps and go with the flow.

Molecular hydrogen and oxygen supplementation is expected to change the game of biology by addressing the core ingredients of life itself.
The first thing one must do to provide molecular hydrogen and oxygen supplementation to a living organism is to make the gasses in a clean, efficient manner without contamination. It is then a matter of determining the best method of application for the intended receiver.
Make the gas, then use the gas.
There will be many variables that need to be considered but it all starts here.

We can provide ready to use or custom build a solution for you and your application.
The immense variability that this technology encompasses means that there are many factors that often need to be considered and co-ordinated.

Handmade in Australia and built specifically for biology using laboratory grade components with 10,000 – 20,000 hour+ cell life expectancies.

True value comes from capability, reliability of function, and length of product life.
Robust, serviceable and repairable, we believe in maximum return for your investment and as such all machines we make are designed to last beyond 10 years.
For the entire animal kingdom

General Purpose
Our Molecular Hydrogen/Oxygen general purpose generators are some of the highest quality electrolysis machines on the market today. These machines will allow users to maximize the vast majority of the benefits that molecular hydrogen can offer across such a broad range of applications.
These designs allow small and large-scale users to utilize molecular hydrogen gas for a multitude of industries all via comprehensive, compatible devices that will enable the user to scale up or down to meet their specific requirements.

Vortex Infusion
Our gas infusion pumps can be customised according to the water volumes required and coupled up to the appropriate capacity electrolysis generator according to the application in question. These machines will allow users vast diversity of application potential and capacity.
Our designs allow small and large-scale users to utilize any gas preference for a multitude of industries and purposes all via comprehensive, compatible devices that will enable the user to scale up or down to meet their specific requirements.

Commercial Combinations
Our Molecular Hydrogen/Oxygen commercial generators and Gas Infusion Pumps are some of the highest quality machines in this technology sector on the market today. These machines will allow users to maximize the vast majority of the benefits that molecular hydrogen can offer across such a broad range of applications.
Customisation needs and projects are welcome to address the many variables that need to be considered when implementing into any existing system or infrastructure. Our designs allow for much of the existing infrastructure to be utilised and keeping much of the costs to a minimum. Contact us to discuss your needs and we will do all we can to meet your specific requirements.
Life itself has a recipe. Without the right ingredients, and indeed in the right amounts, there will be imbalance and disorder.
In any industry application, the first thing to do is to provide molecular hydrogen and oxygen supplementation to a living organism by making the gases in a clean and efficient manner without contamination.
↓Click to see the details of each industry

Controlled environments improve management requirements and reduce risk, increased growth rates are possible with better nutritional content and more fruit set.

Remarkable drought tolerance improvements, salinity resistance, possibility of lower water allocation requirements, improved soil life, stronger healthier livestock.

Water management methods determine appropriateness however irrigation, flood, artesian supply enrichment, bore water enrichment are all possible enrichment points.

Healthy gut – healthy body. Healthy soil – healthy plant. The balance of hydrogen and oxygen are at the core of life and all things can be traced back to it.

Fresh water, sea water, open ponds, enclosed systems, hatcheries, holding facilities, fishing vessels, export and transport, aquariums and marketplaces, the list goes on.

Controlled environments improve management requirements and reduce risk, increased growth rates are possible with better nutritional content and more fruit set.

Both fish and plant will benefit from the life giving properties associated with creating an environment biased towards aerobic life in general.

Deep wells can also be void of oxygen content but infusing both hydrogen and oxygen can change the desert and ecosystem around it.

There are so many applications in general that enriching hydrogen and oxygen into water will benefit aerobic life be it in nature, farming, drinking or bathing. The source of life itself.

Vibrant healthy flowers and improved post-harvest lifespans. Improved pollination, more honey, stronger plants and extended market life.

From dairy cattle to race horses, from disease resistance to recovery, dogs, cats and even goldfish will benefit. Breeding programs, Zoos and bushfire recovery.

Cleaner, organic, fresher, chemical and pharmaceutical free, nutritious, healthy, abundant, it is all about our entire food chain. Clean it up, and it will clean us up.

The most abundant element in the universe and the energy source of life itself. Oxidation is the deficiency of Hydrogen. Inescapable and universal.

Supplementing where soil is deficient in microbial life due to drought, heat or salinity issues may bring back life where hope was lost. More farmland, more farming potential.
With the addition of beneficial gasses such as oxygen or hydrogen, yields can be increased with less fertilizer, significant growth can be achieved faster, and health and disease resistance can be heightened. Our solutions are easy to install & maintain, and feature industry leading technology.
Download the latest info on hydrogen driven agriculture
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Reducing Methane Emissions
It is now possible to virtually eliminate cow methane emissions by manipulating the type of water they drink and the feed they have access to....
Hydrogen enriched water in agriculture has been shown to considerably improve growth rate and enhance disease resistance capabilities.
Read MoreHydrogen Technologies at the World Hydrogen 2022 Summit and Exhibition
Hydrogen Biology based technologies represent the future of health. We look forward to seeing you at the World Hydrogen 2022 Summit and Exhibition.
Hormones, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and genetic modification that allows even more use of these products, as well as air pollution, fertiliser run off, micro plastics, carbon footprints, deforestation, chemical and fossil fuel contamination, are all part of what the modern biological species needs to deal with every second, of every hour, of every day.
It is no wonder that so many different species are all so sick. If we are to survive, things need to change. Solutions need to be found, developed and implemented.
Imbalance, or dis-ease, in the vast majority, is a consequence of either exposure or deficiency over time, regardless of the DNA or genetic susceptibility.
To allow balance and to achieve a desired outcome, the right recipe with the correct ingredients must be used – it is no secret. Getting the recipe right in the first place will significantly reduce the potential for the consequence thereafter.

The basics of life are undeniable and
unavoidable, get these basics right, then fine
tuning is possible – ignore it and balance will
not be possible. No life is exempt.
There are answers!
They have been found!
They are being developed!
We will implement them!